
Mar 10, 2019

EDS Surgical Skills Course “Contemporary techniques in surgical management of GI disorders”

EDS Surgical Skills Course “Contemporary techniques in surgical management of GI disorders”

The successful continuation of the initiative of European Digestive Surgery will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania on September 20-21, 2019.

The goal of the EDS Surgical Skills Course (SSC) is to provide surgical residents and young practicing surgeons an opportunity to learn/improve the fundamental skills of conventional and laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive, ultrasound guided procedures that are keystone managing disorders of the GI tract.

The program of the course was meticulously revised, taking into account the feedback from the participants of the first three EDS Surgical Skills Courses – the trainees as well as the trainers. This resulted in expanding and elaborating exercises that will improve your surgical skills in open and laparoscopic approach, vascular interventions. In addition you will obtain some experience in ultrasound guided interventions such as US guided access of biliary ducts and RUSH (Rapid Ultrasound in Shock and Hypotension). The course will be held over two days with a series of introductory lectures, lectures on sepsis and nutrition issues, demonstrations and extensive hands on sessions.


More information about the course:



Journal 1
Journal 2